名前と見た目があまりにも好きだったので意を決して購入しました。 フィーリングについてはクセがなくとても扱いやすいと感じました。 個人的に好きなポイントは握り込んだ時のジャストフィット感と投げ出しとキャッチの時の優しさです。とても優しい好き チタン故の心地よい音も相まってとても気持ちよく使えるヨーヨーだなと思いました。 「小径」「幅広」好みになりました。買って良かったです。
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ll yo-yos have passed the manufacturer's inspection. Different manufacturers have different standards for product quality. Basically, products that can be used normally are within the product specifications.
Examples of possible initial defects : If you notice any of the following symptoms immediately after opening the product, it may be due to an initial defect.
Examples of items that are not considered initial defects
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The Transmission goes titanium.
Following the monometal Transmission and bimetal Transmission Cross Ratio, a titanium version of the Transmission has finally arrived.
Small in diameter but wide in width. While yo-yos of this style are said to have difficulty generating power, the Transmission series has tackled this challenge head-on. With its full titanium construction, it shows its true potential. While taking advantage of its size benefits - being nimble and easy to mount on the string - it demonstrates exceptional stability thanks to the characteristic sleep time of titanium.
This is a model that offers a new experience, letting you feel the intense power hidden within its small body.
"Shifting to a Higher Gear"
The Transmission was a model that realized SUS's long-held vision of creating a "small diameter" and "wide width" yo-yo. It's a meaningful model for us as it pioneered what has now become a recent trend in yo-yo sizing. Despite claims that "wide width makes it difficult to generate power," we deliberately chose an under to mid-size design.
This titanium version came about when someone (Mr. Mii) suggested we should try it in titanium. The 46mm width has been our standard reference width since SUS's inception. At 53mm, the diameter isn't quite undersized but is on the smaller side for a mid-size yo-yo. It offers a comfortable grip and appropriate weight balance that fits well in hand.
By leveraging titanium's properties, we were able to give it more than enough power even at this size, elevating its performance to "a higher gear." We named it the "Transmission High Gear" hoping that users will embrace it as their higher gear (tool, equipment), along with its premium feel. We look forward to seeing players use it confidently without being intimidated by its titanium construction, just like casually handling a luxury car.
*High Gear: While it literally means "upper gear" in automotive terms, it often refers to gear ratios suitable for high-speed cruising, so we've also incorporated the meaning of wanting players to use it as smoothly as cruising in a luxury car.
Keywords: Small diameter, Wide width, High power for easy handling
シグネチャー | - |
スタイル | ストリングトリック(1A, 3A, 5A) |
ブランド国 | 日本 |
発売年 | 2025 |
重さ (g) | 66.5 |
直径 (mm) | 52.94 |
本体幅 (mm) | 46.15 |
トラピーズ有効幅 (mm) | 44 |
ボディ形状 | Hプロファイル |
ボディ素材 | チタン |
リム種類・素材 | なし |
ベアリング・軸の種類 | センタートラックベアリング |
ベアリングサイズ | |
レスポンスシステム(サイズ) | |
アクセル(軸) | M4 x 8mm |
分解 | 可能 |
スペーサー | なし |
バインド | バインド必須 |
表面加工 | サラサラ加工なし |
メンテナンス |
ストリング | C3 プロストリング (ファット) x100 |
ベアリング | C3カーブベアリング (サイズC) |
パッド | REWIND Japanパッド |
メンテナンス | YYF ダークマターリューブ |
Signature | - |
Style | ストリングトリック(1A, 3A, 5A) |
Designed in | 日本 |
Release Year | 2025 |
Weight (g) | 66.5 |
Diameter (mm) | 52.94 |
Width (mm) | 46.15 |
Trapeze Width (mm) | 44 |
Body Shape | Hプロファイル |
Body Material | チタン |
Rim | なし |
Bearing Type | センタートラックベアリング |
Bearing Size | |
Response System | |
Axle | M4 x 8mm |
Twist-apart | 可能 |
Spacer | なし |
Bind | バインド必須 |
Surface | サラサラ加工なし |
Maintenance |