Here you can buy yo-yo strings (replacement strings), consumable pads, replacement O-rings, etc. You can also find parts and bearings to improve the performance of your yo-yo.
■ String (replacement string)
Click here if you run out of string.
Even if you're a first-time user and wondering "What kind of thread should I buy?", you'll quickly know which one to buy.
■ Various bearings
Replacement ball bearings can be found here. If you have broken or lost yours, click here. We also have high performance bearings to improve the performance of your yo-yo.
■ Pads, O-rings, stickers
Here are the response pads, O-rings and stickers which are consumables.
There are so many sizes and types to choose from, it can be confusing, but as long as you read the instructions carefully you'll be fine.
■ Other parts (accelerator, stack, etc.)
Replacement shafts and counterweight dies can be found here.
All the other parts are here. Maybe some of them are interesting?