YoYoAddict, which develops sOMEThING, which has produced a succession of world champions, launched its second line, "IZM," in 2014 and changed its name to "SOMETHINGIZM" in 2018. IZM, which started by inheriting the various yo-yo styles cultivated by sOMEThING, has a simple concept of "low-priced, high-quality products" and produces yo-yos that are relatively inexpensive for a Japanese brand, but that perform well both as an introductory model for metal yo-yos and as a model suitable for the competitive scene. Supervised by Hiroyuki Suzuki, a Japanese, Asian, and World Championship champion and a famous legend in the 1A division, the line delivers the charm of yo-yos to users with a unified, simple design. Teams mainly from Asian countries are also active.