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ll yo-yos have passed the manufacturer's inspection. Different manufacturers have different standards for product quality. Basically, products that can be used normally are within the product specifications.
Examples of possible initial defects : If you notice any of the following symptoms immediately after opening the product, it may be due to an initial defect.
Examples of items that are not considered initial defects
For other competitive yo-yos, please click here.
This full metal yo-yo was designed on a tequila shot glass!
Just as the name suggests, this yo-yo is based on the concept of tequila! Each side is designed after a shot glass, and actually can be used to measure out 20ml of fluid!
One of the many joys of yo-yo contests, especially the international ones, are the afterparties where the players from all over can mix and unwind with each other.
This yo-yo was designed with the 2020 world yo-yo contest's afterparty in mind. It was planned to take place in Hungary that year, but unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic. After it was decided to cancel the event, the TEQUiLA was released with the hope that we would soon again be able to come together and celebrate.
The TEQUiLA's design is super-wide, so as you can guess it's very easy to hit the string, but because of the design it can be difficult to thread intricate string tricks, creating a unique challenge. A very different approach from the "perfectly balanced" designs of the standard contest models, the TEQUiLA has a very interesting and playful design that is almost as fun as hanging out with your yo-yo friends after a big event.
*As this item was designed specifically to be a yo-yo, we can only recommend using this AS A YO-YO!
ブランド | iYoYo |
シリーズ | nothing special |
シグネチャー | - |
スタイル | String tricks (1A, 3A, 5A) |
対象年齢 | No particular indication |
ブランド国 | Germany |
発売年 | 2021 |
重さ (g) | 73.3 |
直径 (mm) | 50.0 |
本体幅 (mm) | 65.05 |
トラピーズ有効幅 (mm) | 63 |
ボディ形状 | Step Straight |
ボディ素材 | Aluminum alloy (A6061) |
リム種類・素材 | none |
ベアリング・軸の種類 | Pixel Bearing |
ベアリングサイズ | Size C (Large) |
レスポンスシステム(サイズ) | Slim (OD 19mm) |
アクセル(軸) | M4 x 10mm |
分解 | Possible |
スペーサー | none |
バインド | Bind required |
表面加工 | Smooth processing |
メンテナンス |
Brand | iYoYo |
Series | nothing special |
Signature | - |
Style | String tricks (1A, 3A, 5A) |
age | No particular indication |
Designed in | Germany |
Release Year | 2021 |
Weight (g) | 73.3 |
Diameter (mm) | 50.0 |
Width (mm) | 65.05 |
Trapeze Width (mm) | 63 |
Body Shape | Step Straight |
Body Material | Aluminum alloy (A6061) |
Rim | none |
Bearing Type | Pixel Bearing |
Bearing Size | Size C (Large) |
Response System | Slim (OD 19mm) |
Axle | M4 x 10mm |
Twist-apart | Possible |
Spacer | none |
Bind | Bind required |
Surface | Smooth processing |
Maintenance |