YoYoFactory - Nine Dragons
With its entire body wrapped in a full cover stack, Nine Dragons offers potential that is truly next-generation.
Sleep loss has been the enemy of yo-yo designers since we started throwing string tricks. YoYoFactory has been fighting the good fight since the beginning, and has now teamed up with Chen Jia Lin to come up with a new way to keep your tops spinning indefinitely. The V5 Catch Parts are so radical, they might be considered a new genre of yo-yos.
From the response area to the edge of the rim, the entire yo-yo body is shrouded in a full cover stack that spins freely from the yo-yo body. This means that when the string (or anything else) touches the yo-yo during play, it has little to no effect on the amount of spin. This alone is like the holy grail of string trick yo-yos, but the design also offers new opportunities for players to expand their bag of tricks. You can literally grab the yo-yo in mid-play, adjust its tilt, and grind it endlessly on your fingers.
In the future, Nine Dragons will take its place as a pivotal model in yo-yo history.
"What is B-Grade?"
In 2009, YoYoFactory started selling a selection of "outlet" items at events. Calling them "B-Grades," that name has spread throughout the yo-yo world, and is now a common term.
At B-Grade sales, you can pick up excellent yo-yos with mild imperfections, discolorations, marks or scratches. These make them less desirable as finished products, but they're still great yo-yos and totally playable, meaning you can get a high quality throw for a bargain price. As a result, B-Grade sales have become very popular.
"What kinds of B-Grades are there?"
The majority of B-Grades have small discolorations or cosmetic blemishes from the anodization process. These are known as "C-Types," whereas yo-yos that are not perfectly balanced and have some vibes are called "V-Types." Some may have both types of imperfection; it's always good to double check
Important Points:
B-Grades are outlet products because for one reason or another they haven't met the maker's standards for their products, things to look out for include:
-color imperfections, finish may look dull or scratched
-bearing or response pads aren't well installed or working properly. Often, switching out these parts will address these issues.
-Bearings or pads may differ from the standard product model.
-Artwork or logos may differ from the standard model.
-Other issues may exist, but nothing so bad as to make the yo-yo unplayable.
>>Chen Jia Lin 9 Dragons test
>>NINE Dragons Review
>>What is NINE dragons? YoYoFactory 2016