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Import Tax / Customs:
All customers outside of Japan are subject to be levied import tax or customs fees. Especially, EU, Israel, and Brazil customers!
You are responsible for paying the import tax and duties levied by YOUR country. This amount is decided by your government, so we cannot tell you how much they will charge in advance.
Please be aware of this potential cost. We cannot accept any returns or cancellations due to issues with Tax and Duties. For more details, please check your government customs web site. It is completely out of our control and we cannot do anything about these kinds of fees.
For more information on payment and shipping, click here
If you have any other questions, please contact us using this contact form.
ll yo-yos have passed the manufacturer's inspection. Different manufacturers have different standards for product quality. Basically, products that can be used normally are within the product specifications.
Examples of possible initial defects : If you notice any of the following symptoms immediately after opening the product, it may be due to an initial defect.
Examples of items that are not considered initial defects
For other competitive yo-yos, please click here.
YoYoFactory - Loop 720 (USA Ver.)
Perfect for beginners to advanced loopers, this is the USA version.
From the basics such as Sleeper, Elevator etc, this USA version will walk you all the way onto the contest stage. The gap is slightly wider than the Japanese edition, making it easier to do sleeping tricks. But the USA version is still a perfectly responsive looping yo-yo. Almost no maintenance necessary, it's perfect for just about anyone's first model.
If the yo-yo feels less responsive over time, revive it with some Looping oil.
For a looping yo-yo with a stronger response out of the box, check out the Loop 720 Japan version
Official Description
In 2017 we are redefining our 'looping yoyo' offering. Loop360 will remain and is still our recommend beginners looping yoyo but we saw an opportunity for another model between it and our flagship looping yoyo (currently loop1080 although it will be replaced this summer). This yoyo could in theory become a pro's favorite but it will more likely be the yoyo a looping player hones their craft on.The all new YoYoFactory Loop720 is designed to be the absolute best starter looping yoyo, helping you progress from beginner to novice/advanced tricks with ease and consistency. The all new body is built around precision components delivering consistent performance with relatively low maintenance(the use of yoyofactory type 2 looping lube is recommended).
ブランド | YoYoFactory |
シリーズ | nothing special |
シグネチャー | - |
スタイル | For beginners |
対象年齢 | Ages 8 and up |
ブランド国 | America |
発売年 | 2017 |
重さ (g) | 51.6 |
直径 (mm) | 58.74 |
本体幅 (mm) | 34.49 |
トラピーズ有効幅 (mm) | 9 |
ボディ形状 | Normal shape |
ボディ素材 | Plastic (polycarbonate/ABS, etc.) |
リム種類・素材 | none |
ベアリング・軸の種類 | ball bearing |
ベアリングサイズ | |
レスポンスシステム(サイズ) | Starburst |
アクセル(軸) | - |
分解 | Possible |
スペーサー | Cover Type |
バインド | Normal pullback |
表面加工 | No smooth finish |
メンテナンス |
Brand | YoYoFactory |
Series | nothing special |
Signature | - |
Style | For beginners |
age | Ages 8 and up |
Designed in | America |
Release Year | 2017 |
Weight (g) | 51.6 |
Diameter (mm) | 58.74 |
Width (mm) | 34.49 |
Trapeze Width (mm) | 9 |
Body Shape | Normal shape |
Body Material | Plastic (polycarbonate/ABS, etc.) |
Rim | none |
Bearing Type | ball bearing |
Bearing Size | |
Response System | Starburst |
Axle | - |
Twist-apart | Possible |
Spacer | Cover Type |
Bind | Normal pullback |
Surface | No smooth finish |
Maintenance |