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ll yo-yos have passed the manufacturer's inspection. Different manufacturers have different standards for product quality. Basically, products that can be used normally are within the product specifications.
Examples of possible initial defects : If you notice any of the following symptoms immediately after opening the product, it may be due to an initial defect.
Examples of items that are not considered initial defects
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C3yoyodesign - Level 6 (KAMEN JOSHI)
A collaboration edition with special coloring and design for Kamen Joshi, this Level 6 is tug-response.
One of the more interesting collaborations at the 2015 World Yo-Yo Contest in Tokyo was with the local underground idol group, the Kamen Joshi (Masked Girls). The Kamen Joshi performed several sets throughout the contest, filling the first floor with fans going wild. On the last day of the contest, the girls came up on the main stage on the 2nd floor and performed for the entire contest crowd, drawing just as many confused looks as cheers. Japan is a truly special place.
To commemorate their participation, C3 created a special edition Level 6. There are four different laser designs for the different sub-groups of Kamen Joshi, depending on the splash color you choose. The red/black splash is the main group's logo, with the WYYC logo on the opposite side. Black/yellow has the logo and mask designs for the Alice #10 subgroup, black/blue/silver is the Armor Girls version, and silver/splash is the Steam Girls version.
*This special edition yo-yo has a thin bearing and is set for tug-response. You can switch the bearing out to make this a standard bind-response Level 6.
If you were at the performance and had trouble understanding what the girls were singing about, their official music video includes English subtitles:
>>Kamen Joshi - Genkidane (w/English Subs)
ブランド | C3yoyodesign |
シリーズ | nothing special |
シグネチャー | - |
スタイル | For beginners |
対象年齢 | Ages 8 and up |
ブランド国 | Hong Kong |
発売年 | 2015 |
重さ (g) | 67.4 |
直径 (mm) | 55.94 |
本体幅 (mm) | 40.71 |
トラピーズ有効幅 (mm) | 39 |
ボディ形状 | Step Round |
ボディ素材 | Aluminum or duralumin |
リム種類・素材 | none |
ベアリング・軸の種類 | ball bearing |
ベアリングサイズ | |
レスポンスシステム(サイズ) | Slim (OD 19mm) |
アクセル(軸) | M4 x 8mm |
分解 | Possible |
スペーサー | none |
バインド | Normal pullback |
表面加工 | No smooth finish |
メンテナンス |
Brand | C3yoyodesign |
Series | nothing special |
Signature | - |
Style | For beginners |
age | Ages 8 and up |
Designed in | Hong Kong |
Release Year | 2015 |
Weight (g) | 67.4 |
Diameter (mm) | 55.94 |
Width (mm) | 40.71 |
Trapeze Width (mm) | 39 |
Body Shape | Step Round |
Body Material | Aluminum or duralumin |
Rim | none |
Bearing Type | ball bearing |
Bearing Size | |
Response System | Slim (OD 19mm) |
Axle | M4 x 8mm |
Twist-apart | Possible |
Spacer | none |
Bind | Normal pullback |
Surface | No smooth finish |
Maintenance |