Set contents
- Krown
- Bind pack (random color)
- Bind string x 10
- Basic Pad
- Multi-tool
- String Trick Oil
- holder
The ultimate perfect set

Click here for the Metal/Looping Set product page
This is the signature model of Shinya Kido, the 2009 World Champion and one of our staff members.
An update based on the original Krown. A super versatile full metal yo-yo that lets you easily experience the power of a full metal yo-yo.
Based on the original Krown released in 2013, various improvements have been made to this ultra-versatile full metal yo-yo that is purely in pursuit of performance. Spin, stability, and control performance. In order to focus on these three areas and improve performance, the focus was once again on the first Krown created with a similar concept in the past, that is, the original Krown. In addition, all of the know-how of over 50 models that C3yoyodesign has created since that Krown has been packed into this one work, and each shape has great meaning, whether it is a complex curve or a simple straight. In particular, the existence of the collaboration model with YJYOYO, Agate, is indispensable, and by incorporating the weight balance of Agate into the side face, it has been possible to achieve a higher level of both light feeling and power than the original Krown. It is a step-up model to bind that allows you to easily experience the power of a full metal yo-yo, and a high-end model that you will want to use for a long time. For practice, casual, or the contest scene. It will fit any scene.
The set includes a special string that is adjusted to be suitable for bind beginners, as well as binding-specific bearing protection oil, replacement pads, a multi-tool for maintenance, and a holder for carrying the yo-yo anywhere.