YoYoFactory - Essence (Skull Fire)
Put the essence of high performance full metal into your hands, for a reasonable price! Part of Izuru Hasumi and Akitoshi Tokubuchi's double signature release, this is the special "Skull Fire" version!
What is the "Skull Fire" Series?
Our REWIND Store Manager "Osuka" has identified specific models that he thinks are especially worthy of being promoted, that he thinks everyone should give a throw, and we arrange a custom colorway and artwork to celebrate this distinction as part of the special "Skull Fire" series.
This is a special limited run of this yo-yo; although it's chosen to recognize its quality, performance, and potential, the Skull Fire series yo-yos are also excellent collectibles, worthy of any display case and anyone's hand. This model's Skull Fire design is courtesy of Jun Aramaki (REWIND Shibuya staff and 3A trick innovator)
Each Skull Fire model comes with a signed postcard from Osuka (limit one per order)!
This is the second of the one-two punch of this double signature yo-yo with Izuru Hasumi and Akitoshi Tokubuchi lending their full weight to the blow! Following up from the full titanium Metavity, they collaborated and came up with a shared vision for the last yo-yo you'll ever need if you combine their styles and special talents and pushed them to their highest potential.
Starting with the yo-yo's key characteristics, its shape is based on the Metavity, with the diameter of the Pragma (Izuru's other signature throw), and the width of the Will (Akitoshi's other signature), making for a unique hybrid of those three excellent models. Borrowing its fine balance and settings from those high end models, it has the same swagger in your hand as any other yo-yo destined for the contest stage. The full potential of its metal body is realized with incredible long and stable sleeps.
During tricks, you definitely feel its presence through the string, but it spins remarkably true and holds its angle beautifully. To consider this an entry model is to demonstrate the raising of the bar of yo-yo design over the years.
Izuru and Akitoshi both insisted from the beginning that this yo-yo be easy for anyone to get in hand, and so they designed it to maintain the essense of top-shelf yo-yos.
Amazing as your first or latest metal yo-yo, it has the capability to match whatever energy you throw at it. They refused to compromise on price or functionality, and YoYoFactory delivered as promised when they were both satisfied with the result. Whether you're gearing up for a contest, or just looking for a casual throw to practice your moves, Essence belongs on your tray, in your quiver, and in your hand.
Great as a step-up model for your first full metal, or high-end model, Essence will see you all the way to the contest stage, and depending on how much you practice, all the way to the podium!
There's a saying, that "Names and Nature do often agree."
Mr. Tokubuchi and Mr. Hasumi decided to come together and collaborate on something that would distill the "Essence" of their combined strengths, first realized with their top-end signature, Metavity.
We started from the question of whether we could take the power and performance of both the PRAGMA and WILL--both bimetal luxury models--and realize that kind of potential in a monometal design; suitable as an entry model for budding players developing their skills?
Just finding the sweet spot between the PRAGMA and WILL alone was a tall order, and neither player was willing to compromise until we hit the bullseye.
We started with an inverse shape for the base, and then finely tuned the weight distribution by playing with the shape of the rim. The change from bimetal to monometal meant we had a lot of tweaking to draw that performance out of a single material. Just making it look like a high-end yo-yo doesn't guarantee it'll perform like one, so we had to reconsider our approach from the ground up.
The result is a yo-yo that obeys your commands, yet commands respect and gravity in your hand, with plenty of power to spin at the end of your string. It goes without saying that although it's priced like an entry model, this yo-yo is not out of place in competition and high-end freestyles. In fact, that's what we designed it for!
You may find a strong ally in the Essence, and even choose to pick up the PRAGMA or WILL as a step-up, or just to better appreciate the design that went into the Essence's development.
For any playstyle, the Essence is meant to invoke the true joy of yo-yo and find its home in your hand for years to come. Thank you for considering this offering.