ストリングの予備が切れそうなタイミングで発売が決定したためお試しで購入したものの・・・・・・・・・びっくりするくらい使いやすいです。 ストリング自体は柔らかくも芯があるような感じで1A 4A 5Aにおすすめです 特に4Aではオープンウィップの時にしっかり飛んで、しっかりかかって、しっかり戻ってきてくれるのに内部で噛みずらいという最強ストリングです。 これが2990円で買えるのがおかしいレベルの最強ストリングです。 ぜひお試しあれ
Payment Method
Shipping Method
Import Tax / Customs:
All customers outside of Japan are subject to be levied import tax or customs fees. Especially, EU, Israel, and Brazil customers!
You are responsible for paying the import tax and duties levied by YOUR country. This amount is decided by your government, so we cannot tell you how much they will charge in advance.
Please be aware of this potential cost. We cannot accept any returns or cancellations due to issues with Tax and Duties. For more details, please check your government customs web site. It is completely out of our control and we cannot do anything about these kinds of fees.
For more information on payment and shipping, click here
If you have any other questions, please contact us using this contact form.
ll yo-yos have passed the manufacturer's inspection. Different manufacturers have different standards for product quality. Basically, products that can be used normally are within the product specifications.
Examples of possible initial defects : If you notice any of the following symptoms immediately after opening the product, it may be due to an initial defect.
Examples of items that are not considered initial defects
For other competitive yo-yos, please click here.
Polyester/nylon mixed string with C3 yo-yo design
Polyester string mixed with nylon.
The thickness is one step thinner than the strings initially installed in most of C3 Yo-Yo Design's full metal yo-yos.
The thinner string allows the yo-yo to slide more smoothly on the string. The string is also less likely to snag on the yo-yo when it is placed over multiple strings, allowing for a higher degree of freedom of movement and performing complex string tricks.
The nylon mixture allows the string to hold its shape, making it easier to fly and form rings.
Approximate thickness
Equivalent to K-string Fat, Sochi String Fat, Original Slow String Normal, Bind String Slim
Brand | C3yoyodesign |